messages file

The messages file contains messages used by system processes to convey information to the user.





The item-IDs are the message numbers referenced by system processors.

Item Description
bnf Used by the BASIC processor.
logon Used by the Logon processor.
legend Used by the Output processor.
newmd Used to create new accounts.
seq Used by the ms Correlative processor.
md Used to change the master dictionary prompt.

Error message operands

The items in the messages file use these codes to format messages in the output buffer before displaying them:

! Any line of an error message that begins with an ! (exclamation point) is ignored by the message handler. This feature allows storing comments within the message.
a{(n)} Inserts into the output buffer the next parameter from the list of parameters passed with the message. The parameter is left justified in a field of n spaces.
b Rings the terminal bell.
c Clears the terminal screen.
d Places the current date in the output buffer.
e Inserts the message number (item-ID in the messages file) into the output buffer.
hstring Places a literal string in the output buffer, with no carriage return or line feed.
l{(n)} Prints the output buffer, followed by n-1 blank lines.
r{(n)} Inserts the next parameter right-justified in a field of n spaces.
s(n) Inserts n spaces in the output buffer.
t Places the current time in the output buffer.
x Skips a parameter in the parameter list.


The following example:

001 HNeeds to start printers.


Needs to start printers.

The following example:

001 H’
002 A
003 H’ added


bob  added

where bob is passed into the error message handler by the process that triggers this message.

The following example:

E Line
H illegal to ENTER a subroutine.


[B156] Line ( number ) illegal to ENTER a subroutine.

where ( number ) is the actual program line number where the error occurred. Additional internal comments are not output.