.heading command (Output processor)

The .heading command designates a text string composed of literals and special options to output at the top of each page. If the line following the .heading command is null, the heading is suppressed.


.heading {{text} {’options’}...}


text Text string to display in heading.
options '' Outputs a single quotation mark.
'attr.name' Inserts the value of the attribute name. Processes any conversion codes, but not correlatives in the attribute-defining item.
b Inserts the attribute name causing the break if the b option has been specified with the roll-on command.
c Centers the output line.
d Retrieves the current date (dd mmm yyyy format).
f{n} Inserts the file name in a field of n spaces.
j Right-aligns the rest of the line.
l Issues a CR/LF.
n Prevents the pause at the end of each page (such as the nopage modifier).
p Retrieves the current page number, right-justified in a field of four spaces.
p{n} Retrieves the page number, right-justified in a field of n spaces. (Default n=4).
r Retrieves the Roman numeral page number.
s Toggles on italics mode.
t Retrieves the current time and date (hh:mm:ss dd mmm yyyy format).
u Toggles on underline mode.
v Toggles on boldface mode.
xc Used with c to center a segment. The xc delimits the end of the segment.
xs Toggles off italics mode.
xu Toggles off underline mode.
xv Toggles off boldface mode.