Output processor overview

The Output processor formats and prints text from commands embedded in the textual data.

Utilizing the Output processor capabilities, data can be extracted directly from files within the database, formatted, and incorporated in the text of a document without special manipulation.

Other capabilities supported by the Output processor include:

  • Proportional spacing (both horizontal and vertical)

  • Text formatting

  • Font control

  • Automatic index and table of contents generation

  • Boldfacing

  • Underlining

  • Headings and footings

  • Automatic numbering of chapters, sections, figures, and tables

The Output processor treats each attribute in an item as a paragraph. Commands can be embedded anywhere in the text or data.

Several Output processor commands are used to select the characteristics of the printer. To use these commands effectively, you must be familiar with the features and limitations of the printer. Before using the Output processor, the printer must be described as an item in the devices file. The information in the item includes the sequences for underlining, boldfacing, tabbing, font selection, and other printer parameters. In addition, if the printer has multiple font capabilities, up to fifteen generic fonts can be described. The Output processor makes it easy to use the printer's font capabilities. Fonts may be changed anywhere in a line and as many times in a document as needed. To set up a form queue with fonts for a printer device, use the assignfq command.

Throughout this document, the values for all commands that measure horizontal space are specified in tenths of an inch; therefore, when a command is described as inserting n spaces, it is actually inserting n/10 inches. For example, if the command .lm 10 is entered to set the margin 10 spaces, the margin is being set to 10/10 of an inch or 1 inch.


op file.reference {item.list} {(options)}


options n{-m}
  • To print a single page, enter the page number.

  • To print a range of consecutive pages, enter the beginning page number, a dash or a period, and then the ending page number.

c Suppresses chain and reads the commands.
d Double-spaces document.
f Suppresses footings.
h Suppresses headings.
j Suppresses highlights.
k Suppresses legends.
n Does not pause when output to terminal.
p Sends document to printer.
s Suppresses boldface, underline, and fonts.
t Triple-spaces document.
x Counts word usage into WSYM file, format word:page number:line number.


op doc test.item (pfh