.chain command (Output processor)

The .chain command passes control to a specified item-ID in the same (current) file or in a different (file reference) file.

Note: Control does not return to the source item after executing the .chain command item.


.chain {dict} {file.reference} item-ID


dict Specifies the dictionary where the file change resides. This parameter is optional. If not specified, the data section of the file is assumed.
file.reference Specifies the file where the item change resides. This parameter is optional. If not specified, the item is read from the same file as the item being processed.
item-ID Specifies the item to transfer control to.


This command proves particularly useful for generating form letters. It is possible to insert the name and address of each recipient of the letter from a separate file.

A sselect statement is used to extract the relevant data from the file and save it in a list. A series of readnext statements inserts the data into the text of the letter. At the end of the letter, a .chain command is used to restart the next letter. When the list is exhausted, the Output processor stops.


The item letter is reprocessed until all stack data is exhausted.

u document letter
Dear .readnext
You may have won one million ($1,000,000) dollars.
John Doe
.chain letter