%open() function

The %open() function opens the host OS file specified by str and sets the file status flags according to the value of oflag.


 file.descriptor = %open(str, oflag, pmode)


str Specifies the file name to open or create.
oflag Specifies the status of the file.

Valid values are defined in the include file: fcntl.h. Multiple flags can be specified in the syntax.

O$APPEND Moves the file pointer to the end of the file.
O$BINARY Opens in binary mode.
O$CREAT Creates a new file with the name specified in str.

Owner-ID and group-ID are set. The mode of the file is set according to the value of mode modified as follows: all bits in the file mode creation mask of the process are cleared and the sticky bit is cleared.

If no value for the mode is specified when using the O$CREAT flag, an arbitrary value is used from your stack and undefined permissions are used.

O$EXCL If O$EXCL and O$CREAT are set, open fails if the file exists.
O$NDELAY Nonblocking I/O.

The effect of this flag varies depending on the type of the file. See host OS system documentation.

O$RDONLY Opens for reading only.
O$RDWR Opens for reading and writing.
O$SYNC Synchronized writes.
O$TEXT Opens in text mode and translates text (default).

For example: ^Z is assumed to be an end of line.

O$TRUNC If the file exists, its length is set to 0.
O$WRONLY Opens for writing only.
pmode Specifies the read-write permissions for newly created files opened with the O$CREAT flag.

Valid values are defined in the include file: mode.h.

If no value for the mode is specified when using the O$CREAT flag, an arbitrary value is used from your stack and undefined permissions are used.

S$IRUSR UNIX only. Opens a new file with read only permissions.
S$IWUSR UNIX only. Opens a new file with write only permissions.
S$IREAD Windows only. Opens a new file with read only permissions.
S$IWRITE Windows only. Opens a new file with write only permissions.


Files opened by %open() are closed automatically when the FlashBASIC program terminates.

The file descriptor is returned as a number or -1 if an error occurred. system(0) contains the error number.

  • There is a limit on the number of host OS files a process can have opened simultaneously. See your platform documentation.
  • Files opened by a FlashBASIC program are normally closed automatically when the program terminates. However, it is a good practice to close them.


 include dm,bp,unix.h fcntl.h
 fd=%open(’fname’, o$wronly+o$append)
 if fd<0 then
    crt ’Cannot open. errno=’:system(0)