$options directive

The $options directive sets compatibility options for the FlashBASIC or BASIC compiler.


 $options {tag}


AP Provides code compatibility with previous releases (provided new features are not used).
DEFAULT Extended. Provides as many statements and functions as are available. This is the default setting and is the same as EXT.

Use as the new development default setting.

EXT Extended. Provides as many statements and functions as are available. This is the default setting and is the same as DEFAULT.

Use as the new development default setting.

Because many new functions are allowed, array references in existing code might need to be changed to some other name for proper compilation.

GA General Automation. Similar to the EXT option, but provides tighter GA compatibility with regard to the locate and match statements.
Note: It is suggested not to use this mode for new development, as this setting disallows any functions not provided by General Automation Pick.
IN2 Currently the same as EXT.
Never use this setting for new development.
INFORMATION Prime Information. Currently the same as EXT.
Never use this setting for new development.
mvBase Provides the same features as EXT, but supports the mvBase syntax for the ifr and input statements.

Additionally, supports the timeout, nxtkey, and prvkey statements.

Never use this setting for new development.
PICK Pick System’s R83. Same as R83.
R83 Pick System’s R83. Currently the same as AP.
Never use this setting for new development.
REALITY Currently the same as EXT.
Never use this setting for new development.


The $options directive allows the use of new statements and functions, as well as closer functional compatibility with other versions of Pick.
  • It is suggested to use the $options directive at the top of the preferred modules.
  • It is illegal to use the $options directive multiple times within the same source item. Also, any statements displaying on the same line after the $options directive are ignored.


 $options ext
 print ereplace(x,"a","b")