scan() function

The scan() function searches through a specified str.exp for the first occurrence of up to three user-definable characters specified by search.delimiters, in addition to the system delimiters value, subvalue, and attribute.


 scan(str.exp, search.delimiters)


str.exp Specifies the string to search.
search.delimiters Specifies up to three user-definable characters to be searched for in addition to the system delimiters value, subvalue, and attribute. The user-defined characters must be separated by a system delimiter.


The following information applies to the scan() function:

  • If the delimiter is found, the scan() function returns the numeric position where the occurrence was found.
  • If the specified search delimiters or any system delimiters are not found, the scan() function returns 0.


Example 1

The following example returns the value 5 to the variable d.position. This is because the first occurrence of either \’\ or \"\ is found in the fifth position of the string.
 String = \The "first" or ’second’ name.\
 d.position = scan(string,\’\:@am:\"\)

Example 2

If ans is either an a, b, or c, the loop is terminated. Notice that a null value for ans results in a 0 from the scan() function.
 input ans,1
 until scan(’abc’,ans) do repeat