ovf-monitor command

The ovf-monitor command monitors and displays overflow consumption on a port by port basis.


ovf-monitor {*|port{,port}{-port}...} {(options}


* Monitors all ports. This is the default.
port{,port}{-port}...} Specifies the port(s) or range of ports to monitor.
options a Displays all target ports. By default, only the ports that are actively consuming overflow are displayed.
s Enables scroll mode. Each  new occurrence of activity is displayed as a new line in the output display. Note that older entries will scroll off the screen when the screen becomes full.
tn Specifies the time in n seconds between refreshes of the displayed ports. The default is 10 seconds.

Upon running ovf-monitor, a set of options display at the bottom of the results:

Press 8=up; 2=down;7=home;1=end;9-PgUp;3=PgDn;ESC=Exit;Rtn=Refresh

The options allow you to move up and down through the displayed results (not available when scrolling mode is enabled), refresh the displayed results or exit the program.


The example below illustrates using the ovf-monitor command to display all target pibs.

:ovf-monitor (a

Overflow Monitor                                     17:25:53
Port   Ovf used   Change   Cached    Change   Cache Max Ports'   Total
0      0          0        No cache                              1838
1      57         0        14        0        30                 1838
2      0          0        No cache                              1838
3      45         0        15        0        30                 1838
4      0          0        0         0        0                  1838
5      0          0        0         0        0                  1838
6      0          0        0         0        0                  1838
7      0          0        0         0        0                  1838
8      0          0        0         0        0                  1838
9      0          0        0         0        0                  1838
10     0          0        0         0        0                  1838
11     0          0        0         0        0                  1838
12     0          0        0         0        0                  1838
13     0          0        0         0        0                  1838
14     0          0        0         0        0                  1838
15     0          0        0         0        0                  1838
16     17         0        0         0        0                  1838
17     823        0        0         0        0                  1838
18     822        0        0         0        0                  1838
Press 8=up; 2=down;7=home;1=end;9-PgUp;3=PgDn;ESC=Exit;Rtn=Refresh
Note: Negative values displayed in either the Ovf used or Total columns indicate a condition where a port released more overflow frames than it consumed. For example, if a user creates a file on port 1 and then subsequently deletes the file using port 2, the port 2 Ovf used value would display a negative number indicating the difference between the number of overflow frames that have been released and consumed by that line.

The example below illustrates setting the ovf-monitor command to use a scrolling display that refreshes every 2 seconds. In this case, only the activity on port 20 is being monitored.

:ovf-monitor 20 (st2

Overflow Monitor                                     17:25:53
Port   Ovf used   Change   Cached    Change   Cache Max Ports'   Total
20     23         23       3         3        30                 1860
20     40         17       19        16       30                 1877
20     0          -40      19        0        30                 1837
20     0          -40      19        0        30                 1837
20     0          -40      19        0        30                 1837
20     0          -40      19        0        30                 1837
20     0          -40      19        0        30                 1837
20     0          -40      19        0        30                 1837
20     1          0        0         -19      0                  1838
20     0          0        0         -19      0                  1837
20     0          0        0         -19      0                  1837
20     0          0        0         -19      0                  1837
20     0          0        0         -19      0                  1837
20     0          0        0         -19      0                  1837
20     0          0        0         -19      0                  1837
20     23         23       3         3        30                 1860
Press ESC=Exit;Rtn=Refresh