:files command

The :files command restores the entire file system from file-save media.


:files {(options}


options The following options are supported:
l Skips the Load reel #1 and press return message.
n Skips the Do you wish to disable file reallocation message answering yes so that files are NOT resized.
r Skips the Do you wish to disable file reallocation message answering no so that files are resized.
z Skips the Incremental and Transaction log prompts answering no to each which allows generating indexes to automatically take place.

This command initiates a full restore as an alternative to reloading from the options prompt.

  • The overflow table will be cleared, wiping out the entire file system. Ensure you have a proper backup tape by performing a t-verify on it.

  • :files will not change the number of ports, regardless of the npibs value in the configuration file.

The proper media type must be indicated with the appropriate set- command prior to using this command.

First, the system goes into single user mode as if maxusers (s was entered. Then, each line is wrapped up as if a shutdown command was entered. All workspace is released and the overflow table is cleared. The user is prompted for reallocation.

Do you wish to disable file reallocation (y/<n>)?:

This question can be bypassed by using either :files (n or :files (r.

Then, you are prompted to insert the media.

Load reel #1 and press return:

This prompt can be bypassed by using :files (l.


In the example below, the options chosen allow the bypassing of all prompts except the first one.

block size: 16384
:files (nlz
All data will be lost, continue (y/n): y
Wrapping up process on line 1
Wrapping up process on line 2
Wrapping up process on line 3
Building overflow list....
Diagnostics.. successfully completed
Block size: 16384
1 mds
1 mds > dm
1 mds > devices
1 mds > devices > devices
Generating indexes for "dm > devices > devices"
14:51:32 10 Oct 1993
Starting Background Processes...