t-verify command

The t-verify command validates the integrity of file-save or account-save backups. The process can compare the contents of the backup media with the corresponding data on disk, or check the media to ensure that it has the correct backup format.


t-verify {(options}


options number (Integer number) Indicates stop count. This specifies the maximum number of errors allowed before aborting. The tape is left at the abort point. By default, the errors never stop and just continue down the screen.
? Displays brief online help.
a Validates an account-save. This verifies all accounts until the EOS mark on tape, by forwarding to the beginning of each account and verifying its contents. This option is useful for file-save reels other than reel 1.
e Displays errors only.
f Displays all file names found on the tape in hierarchical format. If used with the i option, item-IDs are also displayed.
g Suppresses group hashing. Skips hashing test on all items. No errors are found if items are in the wrong group.
i Displays all items found on the tape in file hierarchy format. The display is in place for each file (that is, all items for that file display on the same line). If used with the f option, items are displayed in the form-feed format, showing each item on a new line.
l Prompts for the log file name then logs errors to a log file. Attribute 1 of the log file is the error message from the messages file. Attribute 2 is the element that caused the error, in hierarchical form.
n Activates the nopage function on output to the terminal.
p Directs output to the printer via the spooler.
q Queries the operator on each error found. Choices are to continue, quit, or skip the file system comparisons for the current file.
t Verifies contents of the tape only.
u Allows performing the verify operation on incremental file-save tapes
x Displays index B-trees found on tape. This is useful for determining if the indexes were saved with the file system.


This process first attempts to attach to the tape. If it is already attached to another process, this message displays:

tape attached to line {port.number}
[1144] the tape is not available for use now.

The port with the tape attached is the port number. The process with a t under the tsat column has the media attached. Items displayed are in file hierarchy format:

mds > account > dictionary > data section

By default, only account names display. All errors found display. The display pauses at the bottom of each screen and disk and tape comparisons are made. The t-verify command is an option provided during the file-save process. If it is selected, errors are logged to the tv.log file.