watch command The watch command executes and re-executes a TCL command continuously until the user cancels the execution by pressing a key. The output of the first page of the specified TCL command is displayed on the screen continuously.
what command The what command displays the system configuration and the status of system locks, specified lines, spooler, and printers.
where command The where command displays the current execution status of all processes currently logged on to system, or for selected port numbers.
wherebt macro The wherebt macro invokes the wheres command with the bt parameter.
whered macro The whered macro invokes the wheres command with the db parameter.
whereindx macro The whereindx macro invokes the wheres command with the indx parameter.
wherelk macro The wherelk macro invokes the wheres command with the lk parameter.
whereovf macro The whereovf macro invokes the wheres command with ovf parameter.
wherepu macro The wherepu macro invokes the wheres command with the pu parameter.
wheres command The wheres BASIC program performs a variety of functions depending on the options or parameters provided, and displays a more readable form of the where command, including the user-ID, the account name, and the last command entered.
wheresp macro The wheresp macro invokes the wheres command with the sp parameter.
wheret macro The wheret macro invokes the wheres command with the tp parameter.
which command The which BASIC program displays the implementation being used, the software serial number, the system ID number, the release level, and UNIX specific system information.
which-line command The which-line command puts the current port number into the Proc primary input buffer. This was used by the old Proc-version of power-off, which has subsequently been replaced by a FlashBASIC program.
who command The who command displays the port number, user-ID, and account name for the current port, a specified port, or all ports.
who-info command The who-info command enables or disables who output at TCL.
whobt macro The whobt macro invokes the wheres command with the bt parameter.
whod macro The whod command invokes the wheres command with the db parameter.
whoindx macro The whoindx macro invokes the wheres command with the indx parameter.
wholk macro The wholk macro invokes the wheres command with the lk parameter.
whopu macro The whopu macro invokes the wheres command with the pu parameter.
whosp macro The whosp macro invokes the wheres command with the sp parameter.
whot macro The whot command displays the wheres information with the tp parameter.
whovf macro The whovf macro invokes the wheres command with the ov parameter.
wlist command The wlist BASIC program is a simulation of the list command that additionally exploits B-tree indexes.
wselect command The wselect BASIC program is a simulation of the select command that additionally exploits B-tree indexes.
wsort command The wsort BASIC program is a simulation of the sort command that additionally exploits B-tree indexes.
wsselect command The wsselect BASIC program is a simulation of the sselect command that additionally exploits B-tree indexes.