p command (TCL commands) The p command turns on or off the display of terminal output. When activated, the output from any process does not display on the screen.
paint command The paint command displays items to the screen or printer in Update processor format.
password command The password BASIC program allows adding, changing or removing a user or account password.
penv command The penv BASIC program displays a list of all user D3 shell variables and the contents of those variables.
phantom-reset command The phantom-reset BASIC program resets the specified phantom lines to available status. If a UNIX process for a phantom is gone (PID 0), it recreates the process and ensures that the port on the D3 side is available to handle the next request.
phantom-status command The phantom-status BASIC program displays all phantom lines and whether they are busy, available, or transaction logger.
pibstat command The pibstat command in the DM account displays the current PIB status bit settings for a specified value.
pid command The pid BASIC program displays the UNIX PID of a D3 process.
pitch-compile command The pitch-compile BASIC program compiles a pitch file found in the dm,fonts,pitch file.
pitch-table command The pitch-table BASIC program builds a pitch table for a font file in the dm,fonts,descr file.
poke command The poke BASIC program sends either a string of characters or one or more TCL commands to the input buffer of another port.
power-off command The power-off command in the DM account brings the system to an orderly shutdown by logging off all users, flushing memory to disk, and parking the disk heads prior to halting the system.
pr-spool-job command The pr-spool-job command respools a spooler hold job. The user can select a one-time sp-assignment for this job by placing the desired sp-assign options after the open parenthesis at TCL.
prime command The prime BASIC program calculates the next higher and lower prime number from a specified number.
print-err command The print-err command provides a means of displaying messages from the messages file in their output format.
print-error command The print-error BASIC program prints an error message from stacked data statements.
print-filter command The print-filter command controls the ways attribute and value marks are displayed or printed.
printronix command The printronix BASIC program sets the vertical form length unit (VFU) for Printronix printers only. The VFU setting includes a page length, skip perfs, and vertical tabs.
psh command The psh BASIC program executes a UNIX command and captures the results in a D3 item. This command is an alternative to the ! command, which allows capturing the result of the UNIX command into a D3 item.
psr command The psr BASIC program displays formatted output of the status of the currently active UNIX and/or D3 processes.
ptype command The ptype command returns whether a BASIC program is a main program or a subroutine.
pverify command The pverify command verifies the checksum for the object code of a BASIC program.