Running the pre-upgrade program

Complete these instructions to run the pre-upgrade program.


When you are running the pre-upgrade program, you use the do-pre-upgrade macro. This macro:

  1. Run the pre-upgrade program. Enter:
  2. Review the message you receive and complete the following steps:
    • If it cannot be determined if the upgrade can be performed on the existing configuration, contact your support provider to verify that the ABS sizes are compatible.
      You will see the following message:
      Unable to compare ABS sizes. Make sure that the ABS size of the new system is
      less than or equal to the ABS size of this system.
      Otherwise, attempting to run an upgrade will corrupt the file system. 
      Press 'c' if you have confirmed the above: _
    • If the ABS are not compatible, an upgrade with data files in place cannot be completed and a full file-save must be performed.

      The file-save tape generated at the beginning of this procedure can be used, followed by an upgrade, and then restoring accounts.

      Proceed to Upgrading with a file-save tape.

      You will see the following message:
      The ABS size of the new system is larger than your current ABS size.
      You cannot upgrade using this procedure.
    • If the ABS are compatible, you will see the following message:
      The ABS sizes are compatible. You may continue with the upgrade.
    • If any hold files exist, you will see the following message:
      nn spooler hold files have been copied to the SP.HFILES file

      Hold files are copied to this file and assigned a numerical item-ID, beginning with 001.

      D3 shuts down automatically.

      Executing system shutdown procedure...
      Do you wish to continue (y/n)? _
  3. Enter y.

    Wait until you see the Flush complete message. It might display before or after the virtual machine halted message.

    Flushing memory, boot when disk is quiescent...
    Wait for ... Flush complete...
    Flush complete. Virtual machine pick0:LINUX halted.
    Disconnected from Virtual Machine 'pick0:LINUX'

    The D3 virtual machine is halted.