ProcScript Profiling and Tracing

ProcScript profiling enables you to analyze performance problems by logging trigger processing time. ProcScript tracing enables you to log the ProcScript that was executed, optionally enhanced with additional information.

You can enable and disable ProcScript profiling and/or tracing for the whole application using assignment settings, or selectively in ProcScript. Setting ProcScript profiling and tracing in ProcScript enables you to limit ProcScript tracing to modules where you suspect a problem, but it is only feasible in a development or testing environment. Before deploying the application, you should remove ProcScript tracing commands from the application.

Caution: ProcScript profiling and tracing have a significant impact on performance and memory. They generate large log files and can cause an application to run out of memory. To control memory consumption you can execute the clrmess at regular intervals. However, we recommend that you use profiling and tracing only when tracing and debugging a problem, preferably in a development or test environment.

By default, ProcScript profling and tracing information is written to the Message Frame or to the message log file (Defined by $PUTMESS_LOG_FILE). To specify a different log file for ProcScript profiling and tracing, use the $PROC_LOG_FILE assignment setting,

ProcScript Profiling

ProcScript profiling records information about the processing time of each trigger and ProcScript module executed. You can use this information to analyze performance problems. The profiling information is formatted as a list, containing data that identifies each ProcScript module and its processing time. The type of information depends on the type of ProcScript module (for example whether it requires database access or not).

When profiling is enabled, profiling information is directed to the Message Frame or log file as a Uniface list. You can specify a different separator (than GOLD ;) using the $PROC_PROFILING_SEPARATOR assignment setting.

Assignment Setting Purpose
$PROC_PROFILING Enable Uniface profiling.
$PROC_LOG_FILE Specify the log file in which to store profiling information.
$PROC_PROFILING_SEPARATOR Specify the separator to use in separating items in the profiling information.

In ProcScript, you can use the $proc_profiling ProcScript function to switch profiling on or off, or to check whether it is already activated.

Profiling Information
Field Meaning Description
REC Record Type  
SEQ Sequence number Sequence number within the Uniface call stack
NEST Nesting level Level of the current ProcScript module within the Uniface call stack


Elapsed time Time spent executing the ProcScript module, in units of 10 microseconds (1/100,000 of a second).

Because ProcScript modules nest, and there is no recording at the beginning of a module, the modules appear in reverse order in the profiling output, that is, you see the measurement for the first, outermost ProcScript module at the end of the log.

IDLETIME Idle time Time spent waiting for window manager events and user-action events, such as edit time in a non-modal form, response to askmess, and so on
DBMSTIME DBMS time Time spent waiting DBMS driver I/O
NETTIME Network time Time spent waiting for the network, including time for the Uniface Router/Server performing network DBMS I/O and activating distributed services over the network.
TYPE Module type Local ProcScript, global ProcScript, ProcScript in a trigger, or ProcScript in an operation
MODID Module identifier  
MODNAM Module name Module name and component name—the name of the ProcScript module and the component being measured, as well as additional information relating to the location of the module
TRIG Trigger name  
TRIGGER Trigger abbreviation  
OBJTYPE Object type Type of object, such as the component type, menu, global ProcScript, and so on
APSNAM Application name Name of the application for which profiling is enabled
CPTNAM Component name Name of the current component
INSNAM Instance name Name of the current component instance
FIELD Field name Name of the current component field, entity, and model for which the ProcScript module was executed
ENTITY Entity name
MODEL Model name

ProcScript Tracing

ProcScript tracing records the ProcScript that is executed. It can be used in combination with profiling to provide additional details about the code being executed.

For example:

(_leavefield) LFLD:1  $fieldproperties(SHOW2.COLORS) = "backcolor=%%COLORBOX.COLORS·forecolor="
(_leavefield) LFLD:2  done<end of module>

You can differentiate or enhance the information produced by tracing by specifying a string or expression to precede the tracing data using $PROC_TRACING_ADDITION or $proc_tracing_addition.

Assignment Setting





Enable ProcScript tracing.



Specify a string or expression to precede each line of ProcScript tracing


Specify the log file in which to store profiling information.

Sample Profiling and Tracing Information

The assignment file contains the following settings to enable and configure ProcScript profiling and tracing:

$PROC_LOG_FILE = C:\Users\joeblow\uniface 10\log\profiling.log

$PROC_TRACING_ADDITION = "Status:%% $status"

The loseFocus trigger of a field contains the following code:

;Leave_field (LFLD) trigger for field COLORBOX.COLORS.COLORS

The following tracing and profile information is recorded when this trigger is executed:

"Status:0 "(_leavefield) LFLD:1  $fieldproperties(SHOW2.COLORS) = "backcolor=%%COLORBOX.COLORS·forecolor="
"Status:0 "(_leavefield) LFLD:2  done<end of module> 

When the application stops executing, the following profile information is recorded:


Notice that the record for the first module (starting the application) is recorded last.

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