
Return the current status of ProcScript tracing, or activate or deactivate ProcScript tracing.

Return = $proc_tracing

$proc_tracing = Expression

set | reset  $proc_tracing

Example: $proc_tracing = !$proc_tracing


Parameter Data Type Description
Expression Boolean An expression that evaluates to 1 (true) or 0(false); for example, $proc_tracing = 1 to enable ProcScript tracing, or $proc_tracing = !$proc_tracing to toggle between enabling and disabling ProcScript profiling.

Return Values

The function $proc_tracing returns:

  • 1 if ProcScript tracing is currently enabled
  • 0 if ProcScript tracing is currently not enabled


Allowed in Form, Report, and Service components, but not in self-contained components.


Caution: ProcScript tracing has a significant impact upon performance and generates large log files, so it should only be used when trying to trace and debug a problem, preferably in a development or test environment.

ProcScript tracing enables you to log the ProcScript that was executed. You can enable and disable ProcScript tracing for the whole application using the $PROC_TRACING assignment setting, or selectively in ProcScript using the $proc_tracing function. The ProcScript function overrides the assignment setting.

Setting ProcScript tracing in ProcScript enables you to limit ProcScript tracing to modules where you suspect a problem, but it is only feasible in a development or testing environment. Before deploying the application, you should remove ProcScript tracing commands from the application.

You can enhance the information produced by tracing by specifying a string or expression to precede the tracing data using $proc_tracing_addition.

For more information, see ProcScript Profiling and Tracing.

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