
The RadioGroup logical DSP widget represents the values of a field as vertical or horizontal group of mutually exclusive radio buttons.

RadioGroup in Chrome

RadioGroup widget in Chrome browser

For more information, see Specifying a Widget for a Field or Entity and ValRep.
Widget Summary
Logical Widget Name: RadioGroup
Maps to Physical Widget :htmlradiogroup
Default definition:RadioGroup=htmlradiogroup(style:display=inline-block)
Supported triggers and properties:See htmlradiogroup.
Use for:String fields with a ValRep containing mutually exclusive options.


A radio group is a field that is displayed as a group of two or more mutually exclusive options. An option can be selected by an associated radio button. Selecting one option disables all other options.

ValRep Handling

The maximum number of buttons depends on the ValRep for that widget. It is usually used for a very limited number of options.

The widget uses the ValRep list defined for the field to build up the options visible in the drop-down list. It expects a list of Value=Representation pairs and displays the representations labels for the radio buttons. If a ValRep item does not have a Representation, the Value is displayed instead. When the user selects an item, the corresponding value is selected.

For more information, see ValRep.

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