Cell Height (CellHeight)
Window property that defines the size of the virtual grid used in the form layout, expressed as a percentage of Font0. The grid is used when defining the form dimensions and the size and position of objects in the form layout.
50 -200 |
If not specified, the default value is |
Dynamic? | No. |
Dependencies: | Uses the value of the Font0 initialization setting as a base. For more information, see Font0. |
The value of Cell Height affects the size of fields and forms. For example, notice that text is truncated at the bottom when Cell Height is 100
and the field has much more room when Cell Height is 120
CellHeight =100 | CellHeight =120 |
Changing the value of Cell Height affects the size of the form, so setting it to 200 doubles the size of the form, and setting it to 50 reduces the size by half.
Note: If CellHeight is set to a value below 50, the minimum allowed value of 50 is used.
It is a static property and cannot be changed in ProcScript, but the name and value are returned by $windowproperties.
The property can be defined in the window properties of a form, or in the application initialization file.
Note: Unifields do not support a Cell Height value of below 100.
Setting in the Initialization File
In the default usys.ini file, this property is set to 110
to ensure widgets in existing applications do not overlap. Applications that use this file inherit this value.
[application] Window=uwindow(backcolor=white;cellheight=110;linespace=0)
If you find the form size too large with a value of 110
, you can reduce this by setting CellHeight=105
. Setting the value to less than 105
causes the text in input fields to be slightly truncated at the bottom.
Setting on Form Components
When the Cell Height is defined for an individual form, it overrides the value set in the initialization file.
Setting Cell Height as the window property of a form (as opposed to the initialization file) enables you to adjust the size of field widgets with greater precision when designing a form layout. For example, setting Cell Height to 75
as the percentage of the default cell height, reduces the size of form and fields by 75 percent.
Note: This property is not used during printing so do not use it to design forms that may be printed.
For compatibility reasons, if the CellHeight initialization setting in the [upi] section is set to a value other than 100
, it takes precedence over the value set by the Window setting in the [application] section.