
The [paths] section of the initialization file specifies the locations of the local working directory, help files, images, and JavaScript files generated during compilation.


Path Settings




Specifies the name of the working directory during the Uniface session.


Specifies the location where JavaScript files are generated during compilation.


Specifies the location of image files. You can specify more than one directory by using a comma-separated list.


Specifies the location of online documentation. Applicable only for HTML or .hlp files, but not for .chm.

USYS path logicals make it easier to redirect files, because the exact path need only be specified once. Files can then be directed to a location relative to that path by referencing the logical.

USYS Path Logicals
Logical Description
USYSINS: Full path specification of the Uniface installation directory, for example: D:\Uniface\Uniface 10.3.
USYS: Full path specification of the USYSINS:\common\usys (Uniface system) directory for the application.
USYSUNIFACE: Full path specification of the USYSINS:\uniface product directory, which contains the Uniface application files.
USYSADM: Full path specification of the \adm directory containing assignment and initialization files. Both the \common and \uniface subdirectories contain an \adm directory.
USYSBIN: Full path specification of the USYSINS:\common\bin directory containing executables and libraries.
USYSLOG: Full path specification to the USYSINS:\common\log directory.
USYSLIC: Full path to the location of the license file and the cloud configuration file for Sentinel.
USYSxxx: User-defined logical to define a specific directory for a Uniface application, for example, USYSMYFILES.

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