Logical defining the location of JavaScript files for dynamic server pages during development.



FilePath—location of JavaScript files for DSPs during development.

Default value: uniface\webapps\uniface\dspjs
File section: [paths]


In a default installation, the logical is set to the uniface\webapps\uniface\dspjs directory of the Uniface installation. This ensures that when you compile a DSP that has webtriggers or weboperations, the JavaScript files are generated in the correct location for the web server to find them during testing.

Note:  If you change the default compilation location using the JAVASCRIPT setting, you also need to change the default runtime location using the $JS_BASE_URL assignment setting. Otherwise, the Uniface Server cannot find the generated JavaScript files.

Changing the Compilation and Runtime Locations of JavaScript Files

The following settings have been changed to point to a different location for compiled DSP .js files: UnifaceInstall\uniface\webapps\uniface\project1\.

INI file:

javascript = uniface\webapps\uniface\project1  ; used by compiler

Assignment file:

$JS_BASE_URL = ../project1   ; used at runtime

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