
Specify a range of ports that the exclusive server will listen on when using a TCP or TLS connection.


For example:

sales   = userver.exe /ex /gates=3800-4010


PortFrom and PortTo—decimal port numbers. PortFrom must be less than PortTo, but no other checks are performed.


The /gates switch can only be used for an exclusive connection to a server (started using the /ex command line switch). In effect, /gates turns off connection inheritance. For more information, see Logical and Physical Connections.


Use the /gates switch in a UST declaration to specify a range of ports to be searched by the Uniface Router when it attempts to start an exclusive server using /ex. For example, on a mobile device that periodically goes out of range of the server, you should use /gates to ensure that it can re-establish the connection with the same exclusive server.

If port number are incorrectly specified, the errors are reported in the Uniface Router’s log file, and no connection is made. If a port cannot be found in the specified range, an error is reported to the client.

If an exclusive Uniface Server is killed or crashes, the recovery behavior depends on whether inheritance was used or whether the server has its own listening port. For more information, see Exclusive Server Failure Recovery.

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