
Starts the UST as an exclusive Uniface Server.


For example:

SRV1   = userver.exe asn=srv1.asn /ex 


When used in the [SERVERS] section of the Uniface Router's assignment file, /ex indicates that the specified UST only accepts exclusive server requests. This means that the client must also specify the /ex switch in the [PATHS] section of its assignment file when requesting the specified server.

Note:  For this reason, it is recommended that you use the /ex switch in the [PATHS] section of the client assignment file, and not in the Uniface Router’s assignment file. For more information, see and Effect of /shr and /ex Switches.

Once the exclusive server has been started, the client disconnects from the Uniface Router and reconnects to the started server. The Uniface Router no longer routes requests from the client.For more information, see Logical and Physical Connections.

If an exclusive Uniface Server is killed or crashes, the recovery behavior depends on whether inheritance was used or whether the server has its own listening port. For more information, see Exclusive Server Failure Recovery.

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