Configuring the UTS terminal settings

  1. From the BlueZone menu bar, click Session Configure.
  2. Click Properties.

    The UTS Terminal Configuration Settings dialog opens.

    The following screen shot is an example of the default UTS Terminal Configuration Settings dialog before any screens are added:

    From this screen, you have the following options:

    • Click Add Screen to open the Edit Screen Settings dialog. Refer to Adding UTS screens for more information.
    • Click Edit Screen to edit the highlighted screen. The Edit Screen Settings dialog opens.
    • Click Delete Screen to delete the highlighted screen.
    • Click Save and Close to save any new screens and close the dialog.
    • Click Cancel and Close to close the dialog without saving any changes.
    • Click Help. The following options are available:
      • Contents: Opens the BlueZone Display and Printer Help.

      • This window: Opens the BlueZone Display and Printer Help to this topic.

      • About: Opens a dialog with the product information.

    • Click File Transfer Folders to set the default folders used for send and receive file transfers.