Printer emulation features

The BlueZone printer emulators are fully featured and comprehensive IBM printer emulation printer software programs that emulate several printers.

Printer emulations

  • IBM 3287
    • LU1 SCS
    • LU3 DSC
  • IBM 3812-1 single-byte
    • Host print transform
    • Extended SCS
  • IBM 5553 double-byte
    • Host print transform
    • Extended SCS

Emulation features

  • Pass-through printing feature for direct output to printer
  • Host print transform support (iSeries only)
  • Full support of line density and print density SCS character formatting
  • Override host formatting capabilities
  • Fully featured customizable terminal status bar
  • Selectable code page
  • Customizable translation table

Encryption and security

  • SSL 3.0
    • Implicit mode
    • Explicit (Telnet negotiated) mode
  • TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
    • Implicit mode
    • Explicit (Telnet negotiated) mode
  • FIPS mode support

Program features

  • Compatible with Windows 7
  • Internet Protocol v4 and v6 support
  • Language support
    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Dutch
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Spanish
  • Double-byte character support
  • Up to 99 sessions per workstation
  • User-definable and sizeable Windows Vista style iconic toolbars
  • User sizeable toolbars: 16 x 16, 24 x 24 (default size), 32 x 32, and 48 x 48 are supported
  • User sizeable status bar: 16 x 16 (default size), 24 x 24, 32 x 32, and 48 x 48 are supported
  • Configuration management features include saving and opening of configuration files
  • View print queue and print log lists for easy print job management
  • Drag and drop print job icon feature
  • Robust printer and page layout configuration settings
  • Precise use of host page margins by printing to unprintable region of page
  • GUI editing of EBCDIC to ANSI translation tables
  • Change printer profiles with a single click
  • Robust print to file options
  • Customizable desktop colors
  • Customizable background watermark