3270 Emulation tab

The Translation group is used to select a translate language and if needed to configure the translate tables. You can select the following options:
  • Language (CCSID): Select the translate language and code page. The code page is the number shown in parentheses to the right of the language, for example, English (U.S.) (37) .
    Note: The language must correspond to the Windows operating system language.
  • Euro: Select to include support for the Euro currency symbol.

    For more information, see Configuring Euro support.

  • Translate Tables: Configures the translate tables for EBCDIC to ASCII character translation and for EBCDIC to ASCII IND$FILE transfer translation.

    For more information, see Editing the translate tables.

  • Change DBCS Font: Active when a DBCS (double-byte character set) language page is selected. You can select the specific DBCS font that you want to use with the selected language page. DBCS languages have the characters DBCS at the end of their name.

    For more information, see Configuring DBCS support.

Default Screen Model Type
The Default Screen Model Type group is used to select the default IBM terminal model for 3270 emulation. Select one of the following options:
Note: If this option is disabled, the Override 3270 Emulation Model Type check box, located on the Device tab, in the TN3270E Properties window, is selected. The override feature must be disabled to select a model type. For more information, see Device tab: Override 3270 Emulation Model Type.
The available choices are:
  • Model 2 (24 X 80)
  • Model 3 (32 X 80)
  • Model 4 (43 X 80)
  • Model 5 (27 X 132)
  • Model 3290 (62 X 160)
  • Custom Size (the display shows the currently selected custom values)
Note: To set a default or alternate custom model size, select Custom Size from the Default Screen Model Type drop-down list. A pop-up dialog opens, allowing you to independently set both the Default and Alternate screen sizes. The maximum custom screen size is 98 X 160.
Enables control over 3270 Display features:
  • Use Extended Attributes: If enabled, allows support for extended colors, underlining, blinking, and so on.
  • Use Multiple Explicit Partitions: If enabled, BlueZone supports explicit screen partitioning. Can only be enabled if Use Extended Attributes is selected.
  • Enable Field Validation: If enabled, allows the validation of the following three field validation types:
    • Mandatory Fill
    • Mandatory Entry
    • Trigger
  • Enable Vector Graphics: If enabled, allows support for host graphics terminal support.
  • Graphics Cell Size: Determines the graphics cell size. A specific cell size is required if Programmed Symbols graphics are used. A setting of Automatic enables only vector graphics, but gives the best resolution. The default setting is Automatic.
    • Automatic: BlueZone reports the actual character cell size in use at the time, based on the window size and font size settings. Using this setting, with the largest window size, yields the best resolution graphics.
    • 9 x 12: BlueZone reports its cell size as 9x12.
    • 9 x 16: BlueZone reports its cell size as 9x16.
    • 9 x 21: BlueZone reports its cell size as 9x21.
    • 13 x 22: BlueZone reports its cell size as 13x22.
    • 13 x 29: BlueZone reports its cell size as 13x29.
3270 Numeric Field Options
Selects the way that BlueZone handles 3270 Numeric fields:
  • Allow All Characters: If enabled, all characters are allowed in 3270 Numeric fields.
  • Numeric and Shifted Only: If enabled, only numeric and shifted characters are allowed in 3270 Numeric fields.
  • Numeric Characters Only: If enabled, only numeric characters are allowed in 3270 Numeric fields.
Keyboard Type Ahead
Controls Keyboard Type Ahead features and functions.
  • Select one of the following options from the menu:

    • Disabled: If selected, disables the Type-Ahead buffer feature.
    • Normal - Next Screen: If selected, keystrokes can be typed continuously. All screens received from the host are displayed.
    • Advanced - Last Screen: If selected, keystrokes can be typed continuously. Only the last host screen is displayed.
  • TN3270/E Flush Buffer Delay: Defines the amount of time to wait after a keyboard restore is received from the host system before releasing the typed-ahead data into the next host screen. Each tick mark on the slider control represents 50 milliseconds; the delay time can range from 0 to 2 seconds.
  • Smart Screen Updates: If enabled, BlueZone does a comparison of the current host screen and only updates what has changed. If disabled, BlueZone paints the entire new host screen.
  • Ignore X Prog Errors: If enabled, BlueZone suspends notifications of host program errors.
  • Word Wrap: If enabled, BlueZone performs a word wrap from one field to another field directly beneath it and of the same length, or in long, multi-line fields.
  • Line Wrap on Delete: If enabled, when editing multi-line data, BlueZone moves data from the lines below to fill the editing line. With this feature disabled, BlueZone only moves data on the editing line.
  • Leading Nulls to Spaces: If enabled, BlueZone changes any preceding null characters in the screen buffer to spaces when typing, pasting, or processing an API SendKey-type method call. This feature does not function when using a DBCS or BIDI code page language. Default value is disabled.