Device tab

IBM Device
Device Type
Selects the type of IBM terminal or printer to emulate:
  • 3278: Selects a 3278 (monochrome) display. (Display emulator only)
  • 3279: Selects a 3279 (color) display. (Display emulator only)
  • 3287: Selects a 3287 printer. (Printer emulator only)
Device Model (Display emulator only)
Selects the default screen size of the emulated device to use when one is not specified by the host system:
  • Model 2 (24x80): Selects a model 2 device with 24 rows and 80 columns.
  • Model 3 (32x80): Selects a model 3 device with 32 rows and 80 columns.
  • Model 4 (43x80): Selects a model 4 device with 43 rows and 80 columns.
  • Model 5 (27x132): Selects a model 5 device with 27 rows and 132 columns.
  • Dynamic: Selects dynamic device which can accept any model type.
Extended Attributes
Specifies whether the device supports SNA Extended Attributes (color highlighting). (Display emulator only)
Override 3270 Emulation Model Type
Allows the Device Model specified here to override the Default Screen Model Type specified in the 3270 Emulation parameters. This is normally desirable unless the TN3270 server requires a terminal type model specification which differs from the model type configured in the host LU.