Docking Power Pads
As an option, you can choose to make the Power Pads dockable. When the Enable Docking check box is selected, you will be able to drag one or more Power Pads into the BlueZone Session window and dock it. Power Pads can be docked to the top, sides, or bottom of the inside of the BlueZone Session window. If the Power Pad is very tall, you will only be able to dock it to the left or right side. If the Power Pad is very wide, you will only be able to dock it to the top or bottom. After the Power Pad is docked, if the Power Pad is large, you may have to adjust the size of the BlueZone Session window to display the whole Power Pad.
To drag a Power Pad, point to the title bar with your left mouse button. Then, while holding down the left mouse button, drag it to the desired spot within the BlueZone Session window. You will see the outline of the Power Pad change, and the title bar disappear, when it is in a "dockable" position.
Closing a Power Pad, by clicking the Power Pad's X, during a BlueZone session will not remove it from the Active Power Pads list. This only temporarily closes the Power Pad.