Control scripting access
Refer to Creating a distribution image for more information on creating a BlueZone distribution image, and Appendix A: Default SETUP.INI file for more information on the SETUP.INI file.
BlueZone proprietary scripting
BlueZone proprietary scripting is controlled by the presence of the BlueZone Script Editor (BZSE.EXE) file.
If the BZSE.EXE file is included in the BlueZone distribution image, then end users are able to record, edit and play BlueZone proprietary scripts (.bzs).
If the BZSE.EXE file is not included in the BlueZone distribution image, then end users are only able to play BlueZone proprietary scripts (.bzs).
BlueZone text-based scripting
BlueZone text-based scripting is controlled by the BlueZone Script Host (BZSH.EXE) file and the BlueZone Script Host Player (BZSHP.EXE) file.
If the BZSH.EXE file is included in the BlueZone distribution image, then end users are able to record, edit and play BlueZone text-based scripts (.vbs, .js, etc.).
If the BZSHP.EXE file is included but the BZSH.EXE file is not included in the BlueZone distribution image, then end users are only able to play BlueZone text-based scripts (.vbs, .js, etc.).
If neither the BZSHP.EXE file nor the BZSH.EXE files are included in the BlueZone distribution image, then end users are not able to record, edit or play BlueZone text-based scripts (.vbs, .js, etc.).
By default, both the BZSH.EXE and the BZSHP.EXE files are installed if you included the BZSC.CAB file in the BlueZone distribution image.
Controlling scripting access
For end users to be able to record, edit and play scripts, do nothing.
To change to play only mode, edit the SETUP.INI file and change InstallScriptPlayerOnly=No to InstallScriptPlayerOnly=Yes. This causes only the BZSHP.EXE file to be installed.