Text properties
The Text properties is used to configure a text box that contains text which appears on the power pad canvas. To edit a text box's properties, double-click or right-click the text box object. The Text Properties dialog displays.
General tab
•  Text: Enter the text that you want to appear on the text box.
•  Justification: This controls the location of the text within the text box. Choices are left side, center or right side of the box.
•  Foreground Color: Displays the currently selected text color.
•  Change: Click to change the color of the text.
Position / Size
These values can be edited which changes the size and location of the text box; however, it is usually easier to drag and stretch the text box into the desired position:
•  XPos: Shows the current position in pixels from the left side of the power pad.
•  YPos: Shows the current position in pixels from the top of the power pad.
•  Width: Shows the current width in pixels of the text box.
•  Height: Shows the current height in pixels of the text box.
Font tab
•  Name: Shows the name of the currently selected font.
•  Style: Shows the currently selected style.
•  Size: Shows the currently selected font size.
Shows a small sample of the currently selected font.