GroupBox properties
The GroupBox properties are used to configure the look of the GroupBox. To edit a GroupBox's properties, double-click or right-click the title of the GroupBox object. The GroupBox Properties dialog displays.
General tab
•  Label: Enter the name that you want to appear at the top of the GroupBox.
•  Justification: This controls the location of the text label. Choices are left side, center or right side of the GroupBox.
•  Foreground Color: Displays the currently selected text label color.
•  Change: Click to change the color of the text label.
Position / Size
These values can be edited which will change the size and location of the GroupBox. However, it is usually easier to drag and stretch the GroupBox into the desired position:
•  XPos: Shows the current position in pixels from the left side of the power pad.
•  YPos: Shows the current position in pixels from the top of the power pad.
•  Width: Shows the current width in pixels of the GroupBox.
•  Height: Shows the current height in pixels of the GroupBox.
Font tab
•  Name: Shows the name of the currently selected font.
•  Style: Shows the currently selected style.
•  Size: Shows the currently selected font size.
Shows a small sample of the currently selected font.