Connection tab
Communications Library
BlueZone displays the available host connection options.
•  Connection Type
Unisys DCA: Select to connect to the host system using the Unisys DCA protocol.
Unisys DCA is currently the only available connection type.
•  Configure: Click to configure the Unisys DCA connection type. Refer to Configuring the T27 terminal settings for more information.
After selecting the Connection Type, select from the following options:
•  Auto-Connect Session: If enabled, BlueZone auto-connects the active session whenever it is launched.
•  Auto-Reconnect session (when Deactivated by Host) in: If enabled, BlueZone auto-connects the session if the device being used is varied off on the host system while a BlueZone session is active in the number of seconds specified in the list box. 0 through 10 seconds can be selected.
•  Auto-Close Session on Disconnect: If checked, the BlueZone application auto-closes after disconnecting from the host system.
•  Connect Retry: If enabled, BlueZone tries to connect to the host the number of times selected in the Retry up to list box and use the interval selected in the times, retrying every list box.