The following is a Step-by-Step procedure for initial Profile Schemes deployment.
Decide which features your users will be able to customize and which one's they will not.
If you are deploying Standard Web-to-Host, use the Wizard to make sure that all your sessions have the Allow Local Save? option checked.
Use the Wizard to set any GUI Locks for features that you don't want your users to be able to change.
Decide which BlueZone configuration features you wish to be able to override.
Use the Wizard to launch each of your emulation sessions, go to File:Properties:Profile Schemes tab and check all the check boxes next to the features you wish to be able to override.
Make sure you save all the sessions.
all the checkboxes will give you the most flexibility. However,
you should be aware that for each checkbox you check, a corresponding
file will be created in the \config folder on all your user's machines.
It gets
created the first time that they save their BlueZone configuration. This
is nothing to be concerned about but, you should be aware that this will
That's all that is necessary to configure BlueZone Web-to-Host to support Profile Schemes.
Once BlueZone is deployed, and it's time to change one or more BlueZone configuration settings, go to Overriding Configuration File Settings.
Related Topics:
Overriding Configuration Files Settings