Overriding Configuration File Settings

The following is a Step-by-Step procedure for overriding a post initial Profile Schemes deployment.

  1. Using the Wizard, navigate to the desired Sessions page.

  2. Choose the session that you wish to modify.

  3. Click the Configure button to launch the BlueZone session.

  4. Once the session has launched, open the dialog of the feature that you wish to modify.

  5. Make your desired configuration changes.

  6. Before you close the dialog, click the Save button located on the Dialog Level ToolBar.  A file with the same name as your Top Level BlueZone Configuration Profile, with the correct file extension, will automatically be created and written to the correct place on your workstation or web server.

NOTE  If you want to modify more than one feature, make those changes now and be sure to click the save button at the bottom of the dialog.

  1. Close the BlueZone session and don't forget to save your changes.

  2. Using the Wizard, navigate to the Advanced Settings page.

  3. Click the Add Files button.  This will bring up the Advanced Settings : Add/Remove dialog.

  4. Using the drop down listbox at the top of the page, locate and select the \configs folder.

  5. When the list is displayed you will see one or more additional files with the same name as your Top Level Configuration Profile.  The file or files will have their corresponding file extensions.

SEE  The BlueZone Dialog Level Configuration Profile Table located in the Appendix, for a complete listing of the Dialog Configuration Profile file extensions.

  1. Place a check in the checkbox of each Dialog Level Configuration Profile you added.

  2. Click the OK button.

The next time your existing BlueZone users receive updated BlueZone files from the web server, the Dialog Configuration Profiles that you created and added to the BlueZone download, will be downloaded and the settings stored in these files will override the settings in your users' existing Top Level Configuration Profiles.