Power Pad Editor

Power Pad Button Properties

Once a button has been created, you can customize its look and assign an action by editing the Button's properties.  To edit a Button's properties, double left click or single right click the Button object.  The Button Properties dialog will be displayed.

General Tab

Options ----

Position / Size ---

These values can be edited which will change the size and location of the Button.  However, it is usually easier to drag and stretch the Button into the desired position.

Font Tab

Selection ---
Sample ---

Action Tab

Used to configure a specific "action" to be associated with this Button.

Some of the labels on this dialog will change depending on the Emulation Type and Action Type chosen.  For example, if you choose an Emulation Type of 3270, and an Action Type of APL Character, the label of the Available Items scroll box will change to "APL Characters" and a list of all available APL characters will be displayed as shown here:

Similarly, if you were to choose an Action Type of Play Script, the label of the Available Items scroll box will change to "Script Files" and a list of all available script files will be displayed.  If you have not created any BlueZone script files, the list will be blank.

When an Action Type is selected, with some exceptions, the first item in the Available Items scroll box will also be displayed in the Action edit box.  To choose a different item, simply select it with your mouse from the Available Items list.


There are two exceptions to this rule.  The Send Keys and Run Program Action Types work a little differently.

Send Keys

When you choose the Action Type of Send Keys, you will notice that the Action edit box will be blank.  To enter an item into the Action edit box, choose the desired item in the Available Items list and double click.  Each time you double click an item, it will be entered in order, into the Action edit box.  The Send Keys Action Type supports the sending of multiple text characters and API Keys.

API Keys (Application Program Interface Keys) are keys that interface programmatically with the application.  API Keys are keys like, <Enter>, <Tab>, <BackTab>, <BackSpace>, etc.

Also, you can type in any additional text characters you wish to send with the Send Keys Action Type as shown here:

Run Program

When you choose the Action Type of Run Program, you will notice that the Action edit box will disappear and the Action edit box will be blank.  You have to place the path to the program that you wish to run in the Action edit box.  You can use the Browse button to locate the program as shown here:

Options ---

Related Topics:

Button Properties

GroupBox Properties

Text Properties

Picture Properties

Setting Tab Order

Testing a Power Pad