
BlueZone Web-to-Host

How to Install BlueZone Web-to-Host on a Microsoft IIS Web Server


This procedure is written under the assumption that the Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services) is already installed, configured and running on the Microsoft Server.

This procedure will accomplish two things:

  1. Insert the BlueZone CD-ROM into the CD drive of your Windows server.  The CD will “autorun” and you will be presented with the Welcome to BlueZone "Splash" screen.

  2. Click the BlueZone Web-to-Host button.  Several options will be displayed.

  3. Click the BlueZone Web-to-Host link.  You will be presented with the BlueZone Web-to-Host Setup dialog.  You can install or uninstall BlueZone Web-to-Host from this dialog.

  4. The option, "Install BlueZone Web-to-Host" will be automatically selected.  Click the Next button.

  5. You will be presented with the BlueZone Software License Agreement.  Respond to the question, and click the Next button.

  6. The Installation Directory dialog will be displayed.  This dialog displays the path where the Web-to-Host files will be installed, the name of the "virtual directory" that will be used by IIS and the application directory path where the Web-to-Host Wizard will be installed.  We recommend using the default values.

  7. Click the Next button.  The Copy Seagull Activation File dialog will be displayed.  This dialog gives you the opportunity to browse to the location of your SAF file so that the file can be automatically be copied to the correct location on the web server.

  8. If you have a SAF file, click the Browse button and browse to the location of your SAF file now.  Click the Next button.

NOTE  If you don't have a Seagull Activation File, or you don't know what a Seagull Activation File is, you can skip this step and continue with the installation.  You can install the SAF file at a later time.  Click here for help in obtaining and manually installing a SAF file.

  1. The Program Group, Program Icons, Desktop Shortcuts dialog will be displayed.  We recommend using the default values.  Click the Next button.

  2. The Launch Selected Items dialog will be displayed.  Choose any items that you wish to be launched immediately after the installation is completed.  Click the Finish button.

  3. The files will be copied to their respective locations.  Respond to any questions like creating directories that do not exist, that come up.

  4. When complete, you will receive the following message: "BlueZone Web-to-Host installation has completed successfully".

  5. Click the OK button.  The BlueZone Web-to-Host files and the Web-to-Host Wizard are now installed on your Microsoft web server.  A desktop shortcut called BlueZone Web-to-Host Wizard will automatically be placed on your desktop.

  6. Any items that you previously selected in the Launch Selected Items dialog, will launch now.

  7. If you did not check the checkbox to automatically start the Web-to-Host Wizard, double click the desktop icon to start the Wizard.

Congratulations!  You have successfully installed BlueZone-Web-to-Host and the Web-to-Host Wizard.

Next Steps:

The Web-to-Host Wizard

Related Topics:

How to Manually Install the Seagull Activation File

How to Configure MIME Types in IIS on Windows 2003 Web Servers