Configuring batch file transfers

  1. Click Transfer Configure from the Rocket TE menu bar.
  2. Click the Batch Transfers tab.
  3. Click New.
    Rocket TE automatically assigns the name Batch Definition #1 to this particular batch definition.
  4. If you want to rename this batch definition, click Rename. Otherwise you can keep this name.
  5. Click Add to add your first transfer to the batch, .
    Rocket TE automatically assigns the name File Transfer #1 to this particular transfer.
  6. Click Edit to configure this transfer definition.
  7. At this time, you can edit the name of the transfer definition if you want. Type the desired file transfer information and click OK.
  8. Ensure that you have the correct Transfer Direction selected for this transfer definition as shown:
    In the above example, File Transfer #1 of the batch, the host is receiving a file from the PC.
  9. Click Add to add the next file transfer definition to the batch.
    Rocket TE automatically assigns the name File Transfer #2 to this particular transfer definition.
  10. Click Edit to configure this transfer.
  11. At this time, you can edit the name of the transfer if you want. Type the desired file transfer information and click OK.
  12. Highlight File Transfer #2 and ensure that the correct Transfer Direction is selected.
    In the above example, File Transfer #2 of the batch is sending a file from the host to the PC.
  13. Add any additional file transfers to the batch definition.
  14. Create any additional batch file transfer definitions you require by repeating the steps above.
  15. To execute a batch file transfer, highlight the desired batch in the Batch Transfer Definitions window and click Execute Batch Transfer.
    A Transfer Status dialog opens showing the progress of your file transfer. Click Abort if you want to abort the file transfer.