Kermit file transfer (VT and 6530)

The Host File Transfer window is used to configure the Kermit Options in Rocket TE VT and 6530. To open the Host File Transfer window, from the Rocket TE menu bar, click Transfer Configure. The Host File Transfer window contains the Transfer, Advanced, and Batch Transfers tabs.

Transfer tab

The Transfer tab is used to enter the names of the files that you want to transfer.

Host File
File Name: Type the name of the file that you want to transfer from the Host to your PC.
PC File
File Name: Type the name of the file that you want to transfer from your PC to the host.
File Options
Select one of the following file transfer modes:
  • Binary
  • Auto-Detect

Advanced tab

The Advanced tab of the Host File Transfer property sheet is used to configure Kermit file transfer settings. Options include:

Kermit Options
  • Checksum: Select the Checksum type from the menu.
  • Packet Size: Type the Packet Size in the field.
  • Window Size: Type the Window Size in the field.
  • Server Mode: Select this option if you want to operate in the Server Mode.
  • Use PC Time for Time Stamp: Select this option if you prefer to use the PC time to time stamp file transfers as opposed to the server time.
Default Transfer Path
Type the Default Transfer Path for the saving of transferred files.
  • Browse: Click to browse to the location that you wish to use for Kermit file transfers.
Host Commands
  • Send Command: This field is used to place the desired Kermit Send Command string when sending files to the host. If you require a different Kermit Send Command, make those changes here in the field.
  • Receive Command: This field is used to place the desired Kermit Receive Command string when receiving files from the host. If you require a different Kermit Receive Command, make those changes here in the field.
  • Server Startup Command: This field is used to place the desired Kermit Startup Command string when connecting to the host. If you require a different Kermit Startup Command, make those changes here in the field.