Signon tab

This feature can be used in several ways. Here are some suggestions:
  • When you want to automatically send your user name and password, and possibly a specific program to run, or an initial menu or a specific library to use, upon connection to your iSeries host.
    If you use this feature to automatically send your User Name and Password, you should be aware that anyone who uses your machine to launch this iSeries Display session, will be automatically logged in to your account.
  • When your iSeries operates as a public host, and you want to by-pass the main iSeries Sign On screen. You can configure a generic User Name and Password, as well as a specific program to call, Initial Menu and the Current Library to use, so that when a connection is made to the host, the information provided will be automatically passed to, and acted upon by the iSeries host.
  • When you want to force all passwords to be encrypted so that they are not sent in the clear. This feature is called Encrypted Substitute Password. This feature is enabled on the iSeries (by the iSeries Administrator) by setting QRMTSGN to *Verify.
  • When you want to enable Kerberos Single Signon to log on to an iSeries host using the end user's Windows credentials.

TN5250E Signon Information

Force Encrypted Signon
If selected, the end user is presented a special user name and password dialog which encrypts the password before sending it to the host.
If the sign on bypass fails or the end user signs off, the normal iSeries log on screen will be presented. This will defeat the purpose of Force Encrypted Signon feature because at this point, the end user will be able to sign on as they normally would, sending their password in the clear. To prevent this, an "exit" program should be used so that when an end user signs off, Rocket TE will automatically disconnect from the host.
  • User Name: Type the desired user name.
  • Password: Type the desired password.
    Note: When the Force Encrypted Signon check box is selected, the User Name and Password fields are disabled.
  • Program to Call: Type the desired program to call. (Optional)
  • Initial Menu: Type the desired Initial Menu to display. (Optional)
  • Current Library: Type the desired Library to use. (Optional)
Signon Type
Select the sign on type:
  • DES Signon Bypass
  • SHA-1 Signon Bypass
    Note: This feature requires OS/400 version V5R1 or higher. Also, your iSeries Administrator must set the end user's password level (QPWDLVL) to level 2 or 3.
  • Kerberos Single Signon: Enables Kerberos single sign on to the iSeries using the end user's Windows credentials.
    Note: This feature requires OS/400 V5R2M0 or higher and must be properly configured for Kerberos SSO to work.
Fully-Qualified System Name
The fully-qualified name of the iSeries, such as This is required only when Kerberos Single Signon is selected.