Creating Rocket TE iSeries Display and Printer connections

By default, Rocket TE iSeries Display and Printer sessions use the TN5250/TN5250E connection type. This procedure describes how to configure a Rocket TE iSeries Display or Printer session for this connection type.

Creating a Rocket TE iSeries Display session is nearly identical to defining or editing a Rocket TE iSeries Printer session. The differences are noted below.
  1. Click StartAll ProgramsRocket TE 10.1.1iSeries Display or iSeries Printer.

    The first time that you create a Rocket TE iSeries Display or Printer session, the Define New Connection window opens.

    To open this window on subsequent connections, open an iSeries Display or Printer session. Click SessionConfigure, click Properties, and then click New or Edit.

  2. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description
    Connection Name Type a unique name to identify the collection of connection settings.
    Host Address Type the computer name (in Internet format, known as DNS Name) or the IP address in either IPv4 or IPv6 format, of the TN5250E server.
    Device Name Type the name of the device to which to connect. This is an optional field. Refer to Generating device names automatically for more information.
    TCP Port Type the TCP port number to which to connect. The default is 23.
    Backup Host Select a second host connection if the first connection attempt fails.
    Connection Timer Type the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the TN connection to complete.
    Bypass Firewall Select the check box to allow individual connections to bypass the global firewall settings and connect directly to the host.
    Enable TN5250E This field is available for iSeries Display sessions only.

    Select the check box to enable the TN protocol extensions. The default is enabled.

    Printer Association This field is available for iSeries Printer sessions only.
    Select how to associate a display to the printer:
    • None: The printer is not associated with a display.

    • Associate by Session Number: Associates the printer to a display based on its session number. When selected, the Session drop-down menu displays. Select from S1 to S99.

    • Associate by Profile: Associates the printer to a display based on its profile name. When selected, the Profile field displays. Type the profile name (a .zmd file) or click Browse to locate the file.

  3. Click OK.
  4. Configure the TN5250E properties.
  5. Configure the session information for the iSeries Display or Printer session:
  6. In the Rocket TE menu bar, click FileSave to save the iSeries Display or iSeries Printer session.