- Language (CCSID): Select the translate
language and code page. The code page is the number shown in parentheses
to the right of the language, for example, English (U.S.)
(37) .
Note: The language must correspond to the Windows
operating system language.
- Euro: Select to include support for the
Euro currency symbol.
For more information, see Configuring Euro support.
- Translate Tables: Configures the translate
tables for EBCDIC to ASCII character translation and for EBCDIC to
ASCII IND$FILE transfer translation.
For more information, see Editing the translate tables.
- Change DBCS Font: Active when a DBCS (double-byte
character set) language page is selected. You can select the specific
DBCS font that you want to use with the selected language page. DBCS
languages have the characters DBCS at the end of their name.
more information, see Configuring DBCS support.