The TCL command net-errors sets the error handling behavior when accessing remote files.
See the D3 Reference Manual for more information on net-errors.
If Remote Error Notification and Intervention are enabled, all errors are displayed and an action must then be selected. For example:
*** Remote File System Error *** Read ( Cannot Connect to Remote O=Logoff / Q=Quit / R=Retry / C=Continue ?
In some cases, an error number displays. For example:
*** Remote File System Error *** Open ( RERR0019 O=Logoff / Q=Quit / R=Retry / C=Continue ?
In the example above, the error number RERR0019 specifies that the data types of one or more of the columns in the table are not supported.
The error number RERR0019 corresponds to 0x19 in the table below.
Error Number | Error Message or Description | Reasons for error |
Cannot connect to remote or No Remote Host |
Invalid Remote Host |
0x01 | Item/File not found | |
0x02 | Item locked | |
0x03 | Command not supported | |
0x04 | Field corruption | |
0x05 | Illegal command | |
0x06 | Server did not respond | OpenDB is not started or if attempting multiple connections, server may be started in /debug mode which allows only one connection. |
0x07 | Remote file has been moved or deleted |
0x08 | Invalid driver | Entry in dm,hosts, specifies an invalid driver number in attribute 1. |
0x16 | Not enough memory | Unable to allocate the required memory on the computer running OpenDB. |
0x17 | Invalid ODBC Connect String specified in the Host Data Source |
0x18 | SQL returned an error |
0x19 | Unsupported column type | One or more of the columns was defined using an unsupported data type. |
0x1A | File is still open cannot delete | |
0x1B | Bad index correlative | |
0x1C | File deleted | |
0x20 | Improperly formatted item | Length of item exceeds the defined column length. |