Creating an OSFI host data source

Each link to an ODBC database is an item in the dm,hosts, file.

To create an OSFI host data source, use the Update Processor or Line Editor.

Note: The OSFI host data source should not be started or created using the TCL network-setup command. This command does not provide access to all the required attributes in the dm,hosts, item. For more information on the network-setup command, see the D3 Reference Manual.


<001>     08
<002,2>   tcp.port
<002,4>   transmit.timeout
<003>     odbcconnect.string


Value Description User-defined.
driver Number of the driver used to access data. Type 08 for the OpenDB driver. Network name or TCP/IP address of the client that is running OpenDB.
tcp.port Default port number is 3458 unless starting on a different port number using the /port option. See Starting from the command prompt.
transmit. timeout Number of seconds allowed for each remote operation. A setting of 30 seconds or higher is recommended.
odbcconnect. string Contains the name of the ODBC DSN and connection information needed to connect to the ODBC-complaint database. The string contains ODBC keyword pairs or database specific keyword pairs separated by a semicolon (;) as shown below:
  • dsn = ODBC DSN

  • dsn–Name of the ODBC data source used by OpenDB. This ODBC data source must be defined on the computer running OpenDB.

  • uid–(Optional) user-ID used to log on to the specified data source.

  • pwd–(Optional) user password used to log on to the specified data source.

  • database - Name of the database that the ODBC DSN points to.

Other DBMS-specific keywords can be used in the string as needed. For example, database=northwind; is used for Microsoft SQL Server connections.


  1. Type u dm,hosts, at the TCL prompt.
  2. Type 08 in attribute 1.
    Note: To move from attribute <002,1> to <002,2>, a value mark must be entered by pressing CTRL+V.
  3. Type in attribute 2, and then press CTRL+V.
  4. Type tcp.port, and then press CTRL+V (twice).
  5. Type transmit.timeout
  6. Type odbcconnect.string in attribute 3, and then press CTRL+XF to save.