Configuring an existing data source

When configuring an existing File DSN, the D3 ODBC Server must be running. If the D3 ODBC Server is not running or the connection fails then the error ‘General error: Invalid File dsn…’ is displayed. Any changes made to the connection parameters are discarded.

Complete these instructions to configure a data source.


  1. Choose from the list below:
    • For Windows NT, double-click the ODBC (32-bit) icon from the Control Panel.

    • For Windows 2000, double-click Administrative Tools from the Control Panel. Then, double-click the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. The ODBC Data Source Administrator control panel opens.

  2. Select the File DSN tab.
  3. Select the File DSN to be configured.
  4. Click Configure. The D3 Data Source Connection Parameters dialog box opens.
  5. Modify the data source information as desired.
  6. Click OK. A connection to the ODBC Server specified in the data source information is attempted. If successful, the ODBC Data Source Administrator control panel opens again.