Toolkit menus, options, and icons

This section describes the toolkit menus, and the different options and icons available.

Toolkit Menus and Icons

All of the following commands are available from either the MVS Toolkit toolbar, menu bar, right-click menus, or the Editor panel.

Additionally, by clicking the icon from the appropriate explorer (with the proper node selected) or by right-clicking the appropriate node within the explorer, these commands are also available in any of these menus:
  • Server
  • Service Provider
  • Web Service
  • Web Service Operation
Menu/Option Description
File Menu Commands for saving edited parameters and closing the application.
Saves any changes to servers, web service providers or options being edited in the MV Web Service Editor panel.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+S shortcut.

Exit * Closes the MVS Toolkit application.
Menu/Option Description
Edit Menu Commands for editing text.
Undo Erases the last action.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+Z shortcut.

Reverses the last action that has been undone.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+Y shortcut.

Cuts the selected text.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+X shortcut.

Copies the selected text.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+C shortcut.

Pastes the text that has been saved to the Clipboard.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+V shortcut.

Select All * Selects all text in the record.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+A shortcut.

Find/Replace * Searches for and optionally replaces text in a record.

This command can also be specified using the Ctrl+F shortcut.

Server Menu
Commands for managing MV Servers.

Active server connections are displayed in the MV Server Explorer.

Create MVServer Connection
Creates the connection to the D3 or mvBase database.
Edit MVServer Connection
Edits the parameters for the connection to the D3 or mvBase database.
Drop MVServer Connection
Drops the connection to the D3 or mvBase database.
Disconnects an active database connection.
Web Service Provider Menu
Commands for managing MV Web Service Providers.

Active Web Service Provider connections are displayed in the MV Web Service Explorer.

Create Web Service Provider
Creates the connection to the MV Web Service Provider.
Edit Service Provider
Edits the parameters for the connection to the MV Web Service Provider.
Drop Service Provider
Drops the connection to the MV Web Service Provider.
Disconnect * Disconnects an active Web Service Provider connection.
Web Service Menu
Commands for managing MV Web Services.

Defined Web Services are displayed in the MV Web Service Explorer.

Create Web Service
Creates a Web Service on a MV Web Service Provider.
Edit Web Service
Allows you to edit a Web Service and export its WSDL.
Drop Web Service
Drops a Web Service from a MV Web Service Provider.
Test Web Service
Allows you to test any operations defined on the Web Service.
Import Web Service and Import Web Service Operation
Imports a Web Service and its defined operations or specified Web Service Operations into the specified Web Service Provider.
Export Web Service and Export Web Service Operation
Exports a Web Service and its defined operations or specified Web Service Operations to a user specified directory.
Web Service Operation Menu
Commands for managing MV Web Service Operations and Resources.

Defined Web Service Operations and Resources are displayed in the MV Web Service Explorer.

Create Web Service Operation or Create Web Service Resource
Creates a Web Service Operation or a Web Service Resource on a Web Service.
Edit Web Service Operation or Edit Web Service Resource
Edits the Web Service Operation or a Web Service Resource.
Drop Web Service Operation or Drop Web Service Resource
Drops a Web Service Operation or a Web Service Resource from a Web Service.
Dynamic Array Menu
Commands for adding, editing and dropping dynamic arrays for cataloged subroutine Web Service Operations.
Create Dynamic Array
Creates a dynamic arrays on a cataloged subroutine Web Service Operation.
Edit Dynamic Array
Edits a dynamic arrays that has been defined on a cataloged subroutine Web Service Operation.
Drop Dynamic Array
Drops a dynamic arrays from a cataloged subroutine Web Service Operation.
Window Menu
Sets various display options for the MVS Toolkit.
Show View * Re-displays the selected tab in the Informational panel (if that tab has been closed).
Available tabs include:
  • Cached Services
  • Properties
  • Web Server Log
Reset Perspective * Resets the MVS Toolkit application display to the default layout.
Preferences * Provides the following option:

Confirm exiting when closing window - select this check box to enable prompting for confirmation when closing the MVS Toolkit. The default is enabled.

Help Menu * Commands for displaying additional application information.
Welcome * Displays the Welcome screen which contains information for quickly getting started with using the MVS Toolkit.
User's Guide * Displays the MVS Installation and User's Guide.
Note: This guide can also be opened from the MVS Program Group in the Windows Start menu.
About MVS Toolkit * Displays information on the MVS Toolkit including the current version installed.
Manage Users
Commands for managing users associated to a Web Service Provider.

These commands are accessed by right-clicking a Web Service Provider from MV Web Service Explorer.

Add User
Adds a new user to the Web Service Provider.
Modify User
Edits a user.
Remove User
Removes a user from the Web Service Provider.
Manage Group
Commands for managing groups associated to a Web Service Provider.

These commands are accessed by right-clicking a Web Service Provider from MV Web Service Explorer.

Add Group
Adds a new group to the Web Service Provider.
Modify Group
Edits a group.
Remove Group
Removes a group from the Web Service Provider.
Manage Access Control
Manages group access to HTTP methods for specified Web Services.

* An asterisk in the table indicates that there is no icon associated to that command.