Before installing MVS

Review the information presented in this section prior to installing MVS.

Installation Options

MVS provides two installation options: The MVS Toolkit IDE client (Windows only) and the MVS Web Server are separate components, which can be installed together or separately. To install both components, use the Typical installation option. To install separately, use the Custom installation option.

Installation Option Description
Typical (Default) Installs the MVS Web Server and the IDE client Toolkit (Windows only) with the default install path, and server and web server configurations.
Custom Allows you to install and configure all your choice of components, install path, and server and web server configurations.

Installed Components and Features

The following components and features are included with MVS.

Installation Component Description
MVS Web Server MVS Server.
MVS Toolkit MVS IDE client tool (Windows only) for multivalue databases.

Default Configuration Values

The following values are the default configuration values for MVS. These values may be changed during installation using the Custom Install option.

Feature Default Values
MVS Installation Location Windows: C:\Program Files\Rocket Software\MVS

Linux: /usr/local/RocketSoftware/mvs

MVS Server Port 3410
Web Server Configuration Web Server Name localhost
Web Server Port 8181
Maximum Concurrent Requests 50

Third-Party Components

MVS automatically installs the Java Runtime Environment (OpenJDK JRE 1.11).

Note: The MVS installation does not overwrite or remove any existing JRE or Apache applications.


There is a known issue with the Google Chrome browser that causes the Table of Contents, Indexes, and the Search utility in WebHelp files to not display properly when the WebHelp source files are located locally on your system.

If you open the MVS Installation and User Guide from the MVS Toolkit menu bar, it is recommended that you use an alternate browser (for example, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer).