Add group access to a web service

Complete these instructions to add access to a Web Service for specified groups.


  1. Right-click a defined MV Web Service Provider from the MV Web Service Explorer and select the Manage Access Control option.
    The Define Access Control dialog box opens in the Editor panel.
  2. Click Add.
    The Define URI dialog box opens.
  3. Provide the appropriate values for each of the following parameters:
    Parameter Description
    URI URI of the Web Service to which you are adding group access.

    For more granular control, you can also specify Group Access for a particular file within a Web Service. For example, entering mywebservice/* defines access for all files in the mywebservice Web Service. Entering mywebservice/customers defines access for only the customers file in the mywebservice Web Service.

    HTTP Methods Select the check boxes corresponding to the HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE) you want to enable for the specified Group on the Web Service specified in the URI.
    Groups Select the check boxes corresponding to the Groups you want to allow access to the Web Service specified in the URI.
  4. Click OK.
    The specified groups are granted access to the specified Web Service. The new Access Control is added to the list of Access Controls in the Define Access Control dialog box.