MVS Toolkit Readme ============================= Version 2.3.2 April 2022 MVS Toolkit includes two components: o A graphical Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and o A Web Service Provider with an embedded Web Server for deploying multivalue Web Services that expose D3 data Included Features --------------------------------------- o Provides a facility for exposing D3 multivalue data as Web Services. o Simplifies the creation and testing of secure Web Services using the MVS Toolkit graphical IDE. o Creates Web Services easily based on existing Pick/BASIC subroutines and Access query statements. o Exposes Web Services from multiple D3 database systems from a single instance of a Web Service Provider. Supported Operating Systems --------------------------------------- MVS Toolkit components are supported on these operating systems: o MVS Toolkit IDE o Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2016 and 2019, 2022 o Windows 10 Pro with the latest service pack (64-bit systems) o Windows 11 IMPORTANT: As of MVS Toolkit version 2.1, the MVS Toolkit IDE is no longer supported for Linux implementations. MVS Web Service Provider o Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022 o Windows 10 Pro with the latest service pack (64-bit systems) o Windows 11 o Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7 or 8 (64-bit systems) Contacting Customer Support ---------------------------------------- To contact Rocket Customer Support, go to: What's New in Version 2.3 ---------------------------------------- o MVS Toolkit server JRE is now built using OpenJDK. o MVS Toolkit is now 64-bit to improve performance. Known issues --------------------------------------- The MVS Toolkit v2.3.2 installers will not upgrade in-place for versions prior to v2.3.2. Complete the following steps to upgrade: 1. Export your web services. 2. Uninstall the previous MVS Toolkit client and server. 3. Install the MVS Toolkit v2.3.2 client and server. 4. Import your web services. Documentation not included with the installer is available at: Note: MVS Toolkit requires Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 to be installed. Enhancements ------------ MVSTK-681 Upgraded to OpenJDK 11 to support TLS 1.3. MVSTK-763 Upgrade MVSTK logging to log4j 2.17 to address security vulnerabilities.