Writing an End-Of-File Mark

The T-WEOF command writes an End-Of-File mark on the tape at the current position.



If the tape’s write protection is on, the following message displays:



  1. Remove the write protection.

  2. Type C to continue, or type Q to quit.

  3. On a 1/4-inch tape, an erase pass is performed when you attempt to write the first data record while positioned at the Beginning-Of-Tape (BOT). The erase pass can be avoided by writing an EOF mark at the beginning of the tape. (The first time it is written the erase pass will occur.) On subsequent uses of the tape, if you advance the tape past the EOF mark using the T-FWD command, writing the first record can be done without causing an erase pass. This procedure can save several minutes of time. However, the machine may have trouble identifying EOD if data between the recent dump and the erased section is not erased.


    Attempting to dump data if the cartridge is not positioned correctly will cause the tape to rewind and write over existing data. The erase pass can also be avoided on 1/4-inch tape using the T-FORMAT command with the N option.

See Also

Using mvBase Tape Units