Using the Tapes Tab to Add or Remove mvBase Tape Units

The Tapes tab displays the current configuration of mvBase tape units and accessible physical tape devices. When the Server is stopped, the Tapes tab allows you to modify mvBase tape units (virtual and physical tape devices configured for use by mvBase).

Perform these steps to configure (add or delete) mvBase tape units (physical and virtual tape devices). Additional topics that follow this procedure provide considerations for various mvBase tape unit types, and provide steps for using tape devices once they are configured.

  1. Ensure that the Server has no connected clients.

  2. Launch or switch to the Administration Utility.

  3. Select the Server tab if it is not displayed in the foreground.

  4. Stop the Server Application or Server Service if required. Ensure that both the Server Application and Server Service status fields display Stopped or Uninstalled.

  5. Select Configure. The Configuring Server dialog box displays.

  6. Select the Tapes tab.

  7. The Tapes tab features these buttons and fields:

    mvBase Tape Units

    This field lists all tape units currently configured for use with mvBase. System configuration should always list drive A (where drive A is the local floppy drive) and the local hard disk drive (where the virtual tape device resides). The tape01.vtf file contains the initial mvBase database.

    Available Tape Drives

    This field lists physical devices (previously configured in Windows) that are available for allocation to mvBase. A selected device listed on the right (Physical Tapes) can be added to the list of mvBase tapes on the left.

    Add Tape File/Link

    This button maps a virtual tape file for the current server or a virtual tape link between two or more servers.

    Add Remote Floppy

    This button maps a remote floppy device to the mvBase Server.


    Add Tape Unit

    This button adds a physical tape device (previously configured for use in Windows) to mvBase. The device moves to the mvBase Tape Units field.


    Remove Tape Unit

    This device removes any mvBase tape unit from mvBase. If you remove a physical tape device, it moves to the Available Tape Drives field. If you remove a virtual tape file, it simply disappears from the mvBase Tape Units field.

The following topics are presented in this section:

Adding a Physical Tape Device to mvBase

Adding a Virtual Tape File to mvBase

Adding a Virtual Tape Link to mvBase

Adding a Remote Floppy Drive

Removing mvBase Tape Units

Completing Tape Device Configuration

See Also

Configuring mvBase Tape Units

Remote Floppy Device Considerations

Adding Temporary Virtual Tape Units via SET-TAPEFILE

Overview of Virtual Tape Links

Adding Virtual Tape Links via TCL