Types of Statements

mvBASIC statements can be broken into the following general categories:

Input/Output Control

Input statements control where the computer can expect data, and output statements control where the data is displayed or stored. The input or output device can be a terminal, a printer, a tape, a floppy disk, a file item or backup media device. Input statements include INPUT, READ, READT, and GET; output statements include PRINT, WRITE, WRITET, and SEND.

Program Control (Sequence of Execution)

In general, mvBASIC statements are executed in the order in which they appear, and program control statements are used to alter that sequence. Program control statements include IF, CASE, LOOP, FOR, GOTO, GOSUB, CALL, and EXECUTE.

Assignment of Variables and Constants

Assignment statements assign values to variables and names to constant values. Variables can be directly assigned with the ASSIGNMENT statement (=), and constants can be assigned with the EQUATE statement.

See Also

Program Format

Statement Labels

Writing Readable Code