Use of communications features. This program allows the user to attach a line and enter a conversational mode with a device connected to the line. |
EQU ESC TO CHAR(27) ; * ESC used for control sequence * PROMPT '-' MYLINE = SYSTEM(101); * Get current LINKED line # LOOP PRINT "ENTER LINE NUMBER OR 'END'": ; *Prompt for target line INPUT LINE UNTIL LINE = "END" DO LOOP EXECUTE "LINE-ATT ":LINE RETURNING ERR ; *Attempt to attach line UNTIL ERR = "8013" DO REPEAT ; * Errmsg 8013 = 'LINE ATTACHED' REPEAT * IF LINE = "END" THEN STOP * ESCAPE = 0; EXIT = 0 ; * Initialize flags ECHO OFF ; * Full duplex: device will echo input * LOOP GET BYTE FROM MYLINE THEN ; * Get single char from terminal IF ESCAPE THEN ; * Is this second char of ESC seq? IF BYTE = "X" THEN EXIT = 1 ;* exit from conversation IF BYTE = ESC THEN SEND BYTE: TO LINE ELSE EXIT = 1 END END ELSE IF BYTE = ESC THEN ESCAPE = 1 ELSE ; *If char is ESC set flag END ELSE SEND BYTE: TO LINE ELSE EXIT = 1 ; * Send char without CR LF END END END ELSE ; * If no terminal input then GET BYTE FROM LINE THEN CRT BYTE: ;* get char from target line END ; * if any, send to terminal UNTIL EXIT DO REPEAT * ECHO ON ; * Turn echo back on EXECUTE "LINE-DET ":LINE ; * Detach the line PRINT "CONVERSATION ENDED" |
This program is similar in operation to the CONVERSE verb. The local echo is turned off because the program assumes a full-duplex mode with the attached device. All input will be echoed back to its line.
The main loop of the program alternately tests for input from the terminal and the device by using the conditional GET statements. When a character is received from a terminal, it is sent to the device and vice versa. Escape sequences, consisting of an ESC character followed by another single character, are used for control. The two sequences implemented in this program are: ESC X to exit the program and ESC ESC to transmit an ESC character.
The EXECUTE statement is used to perform the LINE-ATT and LINE-DET functions.
See Also